My girls have gone to Indiana for the next 6 weeks. I'm so excited for them to experience my hometown, but I miss chasing my little boogers around. The absence of noise is eerie. My house is empty. Sure, I still have Alice and Daisy to keep me occupied, but they sleep most of the day.
Today is the day that we observe Memorial Day. This is a very sensitive topic for me. I feel that most Americans take the sacrifices of others for granted. Pigs, most of them, in the way that they only see this day as "another day off" as opposed to what it is meant to be, a day of reflection. Selfish pigs. I know the heartache of a service member being sent away from home. Scott's gone right now, stateside, but gone nonetheless. I must say that I am extremely fortunate that his absences have been 6 months or less, stateside, and he has always come home to me safe and sound.
On Veteran's Day and Memorial Day, I tend to watch the History Channel. They run marathons of documentaries. In my small way, watching those programs helps me reflect, learn more, and appreciate the sacrifices of our Armed Services personnel.
Today is different. I'm feeling sorry for myself because I am sick. Ugh. I miss my kids. I miss my husband. I feel like a bag of ass, and I am out of allergy medicine. I've eaten half a jar of pepperoncinis in the hopes of clearing my head. So far, it's just given me nausea. Can't send the dogs to the store. This is sucky. Yeah, poor me, right? This Memorial Day, I'm laying in bed. Watching Season 2 of Dexter on Netflix. It's a far cry from the History Channel or a Memorial Day documentary, but I am giving myself a pass. Especially with my husband gone, I pay tribute and I remember...every single day.
I'm with you Kim. (by the way this is Jim Davis not some random stranger) It makes me sad when people see these days as just another excuse to sit at home and play 10 hours of X-Box or something. I try to catch a local memorial service if I can and I always try to catch some History Channel too. Missing you up here in Seattle. Hope everything is well, currently, I know this post is fairly old already.